Wednesday, May 7, 2008

What Happens When A Professor Gives Out T-Shirts

This term I took a compulsory course called Strategy under Adel Dimian. At the end of the course he gave everyone a t-shirt with his trademark "There Is No Cannot" slogan and a week before exams encouraged us to wear it for the final paper.

Guess what? We did.

As Michael Netzley says "2.0 of us"

Ams, myself and Jimmy

The Strategy group less Terence who went off to study

Myself, Jaclyn, Kenny & Cornelius

KC, Jac, Kenny and Cornelius

I realise that afternoon is probably the last time in awhile I'll see more of them (in the pictures). Most of them are graduating this term, if not by the time I come back. Doesn't make coming back to SMU very attractive at all! But ok, I shant let that spoil anything and stick to the crazy memories with these folks:

  • times in New York
  • Advertising headaches
  • Strategy headaches
  • studying overnight in the library (once)
  • using the SMUBE room when it's deserted on Sundays
  • and many other shenanigans