Wednesday, May 7, 2008

The power of the pen

In a forgotten club on the outskirts of the universe, the PALM BEACH, an old cleaning lady found a box with curious content. Inside, the were hundreds of shiny metallic books, full of black and white illustrations. And on the cover – in quirky letters – it read:


The old cleaning lady had heard this word before. In conjunction with excessive art- and comic exhibitions that used to take place in Duesseldorf a long time ago. And this had to be it: The legendary lost issue. HERRENSAHNE # 11!

Also in the box: An old flyer. The paper was cracked, the colors faded ...



Storyboard artist and illustrator Marc Ewert is a member of the independent comic collective from Duesseldorf. The release party for the latest issue of their cult comic HERRENSAHNE will take place on April 26 in th PALM BEACH in Duesseldorf.

By the way: Marc also writes a wonderful film blog with excellent movie reviews: MONDO BIZARR