Has your affiliate marketing campaign been struggling to make sales? Or has it reached a plateau without any likelihood of increasing any time soon? If so, you might benefit from the following three tips.
1. Reconsider your product or the way you're marketing it. Are you enthusiastic about it? Are the customers who visit your website familiar with it? Or is it something completely different? Website visitors are savvy, and they can tell when you don't believe in the product you're trying to sell or when you're unsure about it. Exude confidence to ensure that you sound like a reliable source.
2. Put your sales pitch on the first page. Studies show that the overwhelming majority of first-time website visitors rarely click through to a second page of your website. Most visitors won't even scroll down past the first half. So putting your sales pitch as close to the top of the first page as possible can increase your affiliate sales. In addition, make sure your pitch is attractive and attention-grabbing. Without that “pull,” nobody will pay attention to it regardless of where you put it.
3. Offer your visitors something free. A regular newsletter about your business is an inexpensive way to follow up with website visitors. That way, you can continue to promote your products and services while staying fresh in the minds of potential clients.
These are just three tips you can use to help increase your affiliate sales. Of course, there are probably hundreds of ideas that will produce results. Stay tuned to future posts for more suggestions.