If you have an affiliate marketing website, you want to keep visitors browsing your site as long as possible. But there are so many different methods, theories, ideas and ways to do that. The Aweber Company can help you achieve your goals.
Recently, the company posted a blog about split testing. A couple of guys in the company debated which feature causes visitors to explore a site more–buttons or text links.
Here's what they did:
On their blogs, they created two versions of the "call to action." This basically means that the first part of the blog would appear on one page and then either a text link or a button with the words "read more" would take the visitor to the rest of the blog. They used the text link on half the blogs and the button on the other half. Everything else was identical.
Within two weeks of starting the test, it was fairly obvious that the button worked much better in getting people to "click through" to read more.
But after running the test for several months, they found out that the text link started gaining more popularity and even beat the button about 53 percent of the time. They decided that the button’s novelty made it more popular in the beginning, but visitors eventually became desensitized to it.
The moral of this story? The experts at Aweber have dedicated themselves to finding the reasons and methods for making your website succeed. Contact them today and start enjoying more success tomorrow!