We are a nation seeking the fulfillment and satisfaction of our eager and hungry souls. We seek peace, yet in our quest we find ourselves constantly trapped within a ravaging war. We seek equality and justice, yet we are encountered with a frustrating amount of "isms", inequality, and injustice. We look to obliterate poverty, yet we simply obliterate our self image and become distraught. We are herds following the few "elite" herders; whom claim to know the reason, the truth, and what we must do to exit this Hades. These herders are actually hoarders; which money is their vice. We must be honest with ourselves, because honesty reigns supreme only in the heart. The secular world seeks not honesty nor does it search for truth; as it may claim. Rather, it seeks death, lies, deceit, scandals, and all of the downfalls of man. Thus, as we are presented with this substance we must come to the common consensus that we must be our own rulers, we must make our own ways, and in a day dreamer's mind we must create our own prosperity.