An article this morning in the LA Times is implying that Miz Dupre's MySpace profile may be less than reputable. One of AshK's close childhood friends was interviewed for the article, and she claims that she never heard or saw any evidence of the drug use, abuse, or poverty that was on AshK's MySpace page. While she saw Ashley infrequently after she left their idyllic hometown, she believes that they were close enough that Ashley would have clued her in on something if there was trouble. A peek into Ashley's past life reveals that she grew up as a normal teen who enjoyed cheerleading and singing kareoke. Several of the homes in the neighborhood where she grew up retail for $1.5 million. AshK has led people to believe that she grew up in a rough and tumble neighborhood spotted with shady characters and poverty-stricken inhabitants. Far from that, this neighborhood is an upscale development with manicured shrubs and long, winding driveways. Unfortunately, the spotty past makes for a better screenplay. Is this was little Miz AshK has in mind? (She hasn't done a very good job of hiding it, if it was supposed to be a secret.) Granted, I suppose we could just blame Eliot Spitzer. He's the one who got caught, anyway. Read the full article here.