Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Toronto DDB's monkeyfuck-up

I'm a little late in blogging about this, but hell better late than never. Lat year, three ads produced for Running Free by DDB Toronto cause a huge monkeyfuck explosion up here in Canada Land. Why you ask? Well a few reason ....

1) The ads are in bad taste, offensive and not that good anyways.

2) The ads were released by Toronto DDB without the approval of Running Free. The client saw the ads, the client hated the ads and Toronto DDB went and released them to Ads of the World, in hopes of winning an award.

Marketing Mag did an article about this already, Dirty Little Secrets, which summarizes the situation quite well, so I won't go into it again.

What really pisses me off by the whole thing is the unethical behaviour of Toronto DDB. How dare they take advantage of a client in this way, and damage their brand? I don't care how badly you want to produce a truly "innovative and creative" ad campaign. I don't care how much you whine about how your clients are so boring and won't let you be really creative. If this is your idea of great creative - you are an idiot. Good creative should resonate with the consumer. The end. If it doesn't that you have NOT produce anything worth shit. Who cares if everyone is talking about it? Did it sell anything? No, well then YOU did not do your job.

Here are the ads that Toronto DDB thought were so brilliant:


