I work for a company that manages a multitude of Web sites. We are currently shopping several different CMS' and I have a lot of questions that beg to be answered. One of the problems of looking at demos and features on the marketing site for most CMS' is that things get overlooked. So, I thought this would be a great place to post my questions, where people are actually using the product and know the details! Any input appreciated. Thanks.
• Multi-site capabilities
1.Can the CMS handle multiple sites with completely different domain names and different sets of users who manage the CMS?
• Multiple "permalinks" and page move possibilities
1.Do they have permalinks? When a page is moved between categories does the old link remain indefinitely?
2.Do all links inside page content magically get fixed when a page is moved?
3.Are there any references to the database structure for permalinks?
• Offline/Batch editing (page templates)
1.Are there ways to download page content offline, edit it and re-upload?
2.Any concept of check-in/check-out of files/pages?
• Staging environments
1.What mechanism is there for posting sites to a staging environment without posting the changes live?
It would be nice to show customers sites that are mid-way through development or new features etc.
• Global find/replace
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