Hi All
I am thinking about creating an online survey site for a specific community (and some specific functionality). The typical interaction would be as follows:
1. Survey author creates a survey
2. and sends a permanent link to it and/or asks the site to send a one-time link to a set of email addresses
3. The link allows to answer the questions without logging in and in case of one-time link allows for it only once
4. Site performs some calculations and allows the survey author see the calculation results. E.g. "According to the current survey results, you should do X, but maybe also Y, the pattern tells, that Y is mostly perceived as X".
I know some PHP and did small modification to drupal modules in the past. Therefore, I believe I can implement the calculations part. I am unsure about the email sending, flexible survey formats and single-login links.
Is Drupal right for me? Any specific modules to have a look at?
If Drupal is not a good option, could you advice anything better for this case?
Thank you for you time
The result is going to be similar to SurveyMonkey or Zoomerang, but simpler, with the specific questionnaire format and specific calculations performed.